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Katonic AI platform
on your AWS.

In one click. Under 60 minutes. For 60 days.

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Cloud hosted workspaces by Katonic

Experience Katonic's premium enterprise features for free

Try Katonic's fully-fledged Enterprise AI platform that combines both generative AI and machine learning operations capabilities.

Enjoy the ease of one-click installation

With Katonic AI, you can get our platform up and running on your AWS in under 60 minutes. You can also use your AWS Credits to access our platform, maximizing your AWS experience.

Cloud hosted workspaces by Katonic

Safeguard your data with
top-notch security

With our one-click AWS deployment, your data stays on your premises for complete confidentiality. You can concentrate on leveraging the power of Generative AI without security concerns.

Connect data from any source through katonic model Development

More reasons for choosing Katonic AI

World's most powerful LLMs

Choice of multiple LLMs – 50+ to choose from.

Highly accurate results

Trained on your own data with your own guard rails.

Full-stack solution

Our platform is your one-stop solution for all stages of the AI implementation process. From data preparation to deployment and monitoring, we've got you covered.

Enterprise-grade security

Deployed in your private virtual cloud, we ensure enterprise-grade security with role-based access controls.

Customized applications

We support deployment of bespoke apps tailored to your specific workflows.

Competitive edge

In a world where competition in large language models is fierce, fine-tuning proprietary data with our platform is your key to gaining a competitive advantage.

Tailor-made AI models

Our Tuning Studio lets you customize and fine-tune AI models for specific industries and use cases.​

Scalability and flexibility

Our platform supports deployment at scale and offers the flexibility to test, deploy, and monitor the best models.